Social Media Management

Marketing is about telling good stories.  Social media is about getting your customers to tell them for you.

~ Corey Eridon


But very few people — even many working as freelance ‘social media managers’ — actually know how social media marketing works, especially with the constant barrage of new platforms and algorithm changes.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat… oh my! How is a travel brand to compete in a world full of fake news, new platforms emerging every day, and changing algorithms that demand original, engaging content on a near continuous basis?

We’re glad you asked!

Success in social media management requires a fundamental shift in content production that, quite frankly, is difficult for internal marketing/PR teams to make. While sharing content socially is a good idea, it’s much better to take a “social first” approach. And that’s hard.

At UpThink, our team of social media managers are true social media practitioners, each with deep knowledge of what type of content works on different platforms, how to work with changing algorithms to maximize brand asset exposure, and why certain content fits the balance between what a business and rabid fan needs.


  •   Social media management is in our DNA. Our social media managers have each built their own loyal followings across many social media profiles.
  •   We actively recruit “up and coming” influencers who adopt new and exciting social platforms.
  •   That powerful connection between travel and social media? We live in it every single day, with a team of “digital nomads” dispersed around the globe.
  •   We’re nerds for this stuff. When you hear about a Facebook algorithm change, our people have already designed tests and know how to work it to our clients’ advantage.
  •   We take the concept of multimedia content production to the extreme. Social posts, YouTube videos, audio podcasts… Whatever the medium, we have experts who’ve already mastered it.
  •   Your brand story + our proven processes = social media success! Our detailed onboarding to ongoing communication keeps your brand front and center — always.
  •   Our eye is on the future. Our team is constantly pushing the boundaries of social media, looking for The Next Big Thing that helps our customers reach their goal.


Best of all, we’re not afraid of having ROI conversations with your CFO. While social media management is a lot of fun, we understand that business expenses must track back to tangible, measurable business outcomes. And if you need help connecting those dots, we’re here to help!